Our employee was a guest of the program “Seherchagi”
On the 26th of November the leading researcher of the department Mythology of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, PhD in Philology, associate professor Ilhama Gasabova was the guest of the program “Seherchagi” broadcast on Culture TV.
Our employee shared her thoughts on November 26 – Azerbaijan Kelagayi day. She noted that the art of kelaghayi is an important cultural example in the system of national and spiritual values of the Azerbaijani people has been confirmed at the international level.
At the meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee of UNESCO on intangible cultural heritage, held in November 2014, 26, Azerbaijani kelaghayi art was included in the Representative List of UNESCO on intangible cultural heritage under the name “Kelaghayi symbolism and traditional art”.
Gasabova spoke about the ornaments of kelaghayi, which is a symbol of loyalty, chastity and beauty of the Azerbaijani woman, the symbolism of color and the differences in covering in different age groups.