84th issue of the journal “Dede Gorgud” was published
The 84th issue of the scientific-literary collection “Dede Gorgud” published by the decision of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS was published. The interesting scientific articles, the new examples from Azerbaijani folklore, the examples from Turkic peoples folklore and other articles were reflected in five rubrics in this issue of the journal published four times a year under the editorship of Doctor of Sciences in Philology, Professor Ramazan Gafarli.
In the section of the collection “Gorgudology: searches, discoveries” the article “The unity of time, space and quantity in the poetic structure of Oghuzname (“Oghuz Kagan” and “The Book of Dede Gorgud”) by Professor Ramazan Gafarli, “The Book of Dede Gorgud”: myth-semiotics of space” by Professor Rustam Kamal were published.
In the section of the “Folklore-studies: Problems, studies” the articles such as “About the use of animals and plants as a “unit of measurement” in historical development in Turkish culture” by Professor Fikrat Turkman, “The epic motifs in our epic poem XIII-XIV centuries” by Professor Yagub Babayev, “Modern urban legends: structure and peculiarities” by Fuzuli Bayat, “The mythological structure of folklore plots, motifs and images (based on “Tepegoz and “fathers-sons”) by Professor Ulker Nabiyeva, “Mystical-mythological space in the poems by Mullah Juma” by PhD Nizami Adishirinov, “The features of meaning in folklore texts” by PhD Sahila Ibrahimova, “The address of love in the poems by Ashig Shamshir” by PhD Khalida Shaiggizi (Mammadova), “Lullabies collected by Hungarian scientist in Turkish” by PhD Gumru Shahriyar, “Proverbs in Nizami Ganjavi’s creativity” by PhD Eposh Valiyev, “The folklore samples in Bekir Chobanzade’s activity” by PhD Sevda Gasimova, “The tale story in the stories of Independence period” by Gulnar Ismayilova and “Bayati genre in Karabakh folklore as a poetic formula of the season ceremonies (based on Novruz ceremonies)” by Matanat Khalilova were published.
In the part of “New publications” of the journal the article about “Sharur folklore samples – Book II” by PhD, associate professor Aytan Jafarova was published by the decision of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS.
It should be noted that articles in the scientific and literary collection “Dede Gorgud”, which was included in the “Index Copernicus” system, is also published with a DOI index starting in 2023.