Our employee was awarded with the Honorary Diploma of the Free Trade Union of ANAS

Our employee was awarded with the Honorary Diploma of the Free Trade Union of ANAS

06 November 2024, 15:00 / Important events

On the 6th of November the leading researcher of the department Mythology of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, chairman of the territorial Party Organization of the NAP of the Institute of Folklore, PhD., associate professor Ilhama Gasabova was awarded with the Honorary Diploma of the Free Trade Union of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences for her effective scientific-social activities and on the occasion of her 50th anniversary. The honorary diploma was awarded to her by the deputy director of the Institute of Folklore, PhD., associate professor Afag Ramazanova. On behalf of the staff of our institute, we sincerely congratulate the jubilee and wish her good health, family happiness and success in her scientific and social activities.