Presentation of the III volume of the book “Folklore examples of Masalli” was held

Presentation of the III volume of the book “Folklore examples of Masalli” was held

03 June 2024, 10:10 / Conferences, assemblies

On the 30th of May in 2024 Masalli City Youth House was jointly organized by Masalli District Executive Power and “Regional Legal and economic enlightenment” public union the presentation ceremony of the III volume of the book “Folklore examples of Masalli” compiled by Professor Fuzuli Bayat, head of the department of Modern folklore of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, was held. The event was attended by the head of the Masalli District Executive Authority Araz Ahmadov, Chairman of the Masalli District branch of the NAP Seyfaddin Aliyev, employees of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, heads of departments, enterprises and organizations of the region, as well as district elders, intellectuals, media employees and young people.  

The presentation ceremony began with a minute of silence and a performance of the National Anthem to commemorate the memory of great leader Heydar Aliyev and our martyrs who gave their lives for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Fuzuli Bayat is considered to be the researcher with the most scientific works among foreign citizens who have worked in Turkey so far. He has participated in more than 80 international symposiums, conferences and congresses in many countries, including Azerbaijan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.

Associate professor of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, PhD Aynur Ibrahimova and chairman of the Public Union “Regional Legal and economic enlightenment” Arzu Bagirova also made a speech.

At the end, the Honorary Diploma of Public Union “Regional legal and economic enlightenment” was presented to the folklorist scientist Fuzuli Bayat. The presentation of the book ended with a performance by the folklore collective “Halay”.