The lecture in the direction of popularizing science was held at the Institute of Folklore

The lecture in the direction of popularizing science was held at the Institute of Folklore

27 Mai 2024, 19:00 / Conferences, assemblies

On the 27th of May in 2024 the lecture was held at the Institute of Folklore within the framework of the measures to popularize science in ANAS Institutions. The lecture on the theme “Characteristics, structure and research methods of the epic” was made by the head of the Department of Ceremonial Folklore of the Institute, doctor of philology, associate professor Agaverdi Khalil. The scientist said that the main feature of the epic as a carrier of national information is that it embodies the ideals of the people, its unique thoughts, behaviors and spiritual values. He informed about the term epos, the archaic epos, which necessarily carries mythological elements and the classical epos, which was formed and stabilized during the Middle Ages and contains certain values. The lecture includes the structure, plot and motives of the epic, including the miraculous birth of the hero, the first courage, maturity, magical properties, possession of magical means, etc. were mentioned.

Speaking about the connection of the epic with the ritual the scientist noted that “the epic as an artistic example reflecting the broadest symbolic development of the ritual preserves sacral values from the very beginning, transforming them into the ideals of the people and determining the idea and content of this type of activity. The lecture was met with interest by the audience, a wide exchange of views was held on the topic and questions were answered.