Meeting with academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov and academician Kamal Abdulla was held at Nakhchivan State University

Meeting with academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov and academician Kamal Abdulla was held at Nakhchivan State University

27 Mai 2024, 17:07 / Conferences, assemblies

A meeting was held at Nakhchivan State University with director of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov and rector of Azerbaijan University of languages, academician Kamal Abdulla. Rector of Nakhchivan State University Elbrus Isayev expressed his joy at welcoming the guests to the university. The Rector informed about the important results of joint cooperation with the Azerbaijan University of Languages and the Institute of Folklore of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

The rector noted the special concern of the Institute of Folklore in folklore studies and in the creation of research works.

Arif Agalarov, who gave information about Mukhtar Kazımoglu-Imanov, the author of numerous valuable works related to literary studies and folklore studies, noted that the academician’s work was dedicated to the determination of the theoretical foundations of the problem of psychologism in Azerbaijani prose, the creation of a scientific concept related to the Azerbaijani folk culture of laughter, as well as a number of topical problems of folklore studies. 10 monographs, more than 200 scientific articles, as well as numerous journalistic articles have been published. His scientific concept of Azerbaijani folk culture of laughter has caused great resonance in our humanitarian and philological science.

Academician Mukhtar Kazımoglu-Imanov, director of ANAS Institute of Folklore, spoke about the creation, structure, language and stylistic features of “The Book of Dede Gorgud”, as well as the history of publication and research of the epic. It was brought to attention that “Dede Gorgud” is one of the most magnificent monuments that the Oghuz Turks gave to the world cultural treasure. It is an example of a literary work that cannot be found in any nation, which reflects the national character, psychology, traditions, religious-philosophical views, morality, state-building, heroic chronicles, family relations and the history of the oral and written language of the Turks.

At the end academicians, who answered the questions of teachers and students, presented books to the scientific library of the university.