International scientific symposium on the theme “Ozan-ashiq culture: historical roots, modern approaches and perspectives”

International scientific symposium on the theme “Ozan-ashiq culture: historical roots, modern approaches and perspectives”

24 Mai 2024, 19:00 / Conferences, assemblies

On the 23rd-24th of May in 2024 the Departments of Languages and Literatures, Music and Art of Khazar University, the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA), the UNESCO Turkey Delegation, Ankara Haji Bayram Veli University and Ahmad Yasavi University of Kazakhstan jointly organized the international scientific symposium on the topic “Ozan-ashiq culture: historical roots, modern approaches and perspectives”. At the symposium the reports by the scientists and researchers from different countries of the world were heard, the common culture of the Turkic peoples, the history of the art of ozan-ashiq and the path of its formation, the future goals were discussed.

The reports such as “Ashiq of the Media age or neo-ashiq” by Professor Fuzuli Bayat, “The language of the poems by Azerbaijan Gashgay poet Mazun” by Ali Shamil, “Degenerative time and space in the epic “Abbas and Gulgaz” by professor Ramil Aliyev, “Description of historical roots of ozan-ashiq culture in Sadnik Pirsultanli’s activity” by Sahiba Pashayeva, “Some notes about the epos “Gurbani” by PhD, associate professor Aynura Safarova, “String instruments derived from gopuz” by PhD, associate professor Ilhama Gasabova, “Ashiq Azafli’s heritage as an important part of our cultural heritage” by PhD, associate professor Aynur Ibrahimova, “Mystical thinking in Ashıg Ali’s works” by PhD Giymat Maharramli, “Hunting traditions in the art of ashiq” by by PhD, associate professor Aynur Jalilova were made. The reports were listened with interest by the conference participants.