New edition: “The name of Ignats Kunosh in the history of Turkic folklore-study”

New edition: “The name of Ignats Kunosh in the history of Turkic folklore-study”

22 April 2024, 15:26 / Publications

The book “The name of Ignats Kunosh in the history of Turkic folklore-study” by PhD Gumru Shahriyar, senior researcher of the Department of Folklore of Turkic Peoples of ANAS Folklore Institute, has been published.

The book contains the life and work of the Hungarian Turkologist Ignats Kunosh, who devoted his whole life to the collection of Turkic folklore, the study of forgotten dialects, as well as the scholar’s research works and collected folklore examples. It should be noted that the traditions, toponyms, examples of folk creativity of some regions, which were erased from the map either due to wars or natural disasters, have come to this day thanks to the invaluable services of I.Kunosh. The book was published in the publishing house “Sabah”. The scientific editor of the book is Professor Afzaladdin Asker.