The next issue of the journal “Studies on oral folk literature of Azerbaijan” has been published

The next issue of the journal “Studies on oral folk literature of Azerbaijan” has been published

15 April 2024, 09:09 / Publications

The 60th issue of the scientific-literary collection “Studies on oral folk literature of Azerbaijan” published by the decision of the Scientific Council of ANAS Folklore Institute was published. It is possible to get acquainted with interesting scientific researches in this issue of the journal published twice a year under the editorship of Professor Seyfeddin Rzasoy.

The scientific articles such as “Firidun Bey Kocherli and Armenian plagiarism” by Rza Khalilov, “Hypotheses in the epic “Dede Gorgud” by Professor Ramil Aliyev, “Beauty in the lyrics of Ashiq Alasgar and Samad Vurgun” by  Associate Professor Leyla Mammadova, “The cult horse in the means of description and expression” by Associate Professor Nubar Hakimova, “Repressed ashiqs of Azerbaijan” by Associate Professor Tahir Orujov, “Carpet motif in Azerbaijani fairy tales” by Associate Professor Shakir Albaliyev, “Azerbaijani tales published by A. Zakharov” by Associate Professor Aynur Huseynova, “Battle ceremonies in the epic “The Book of Dede Gorgud” by PhD Nizami Adishirinov, “The epic “Ashiq Garib”: source of national and moral values” by Associate Professor Mansura Ismayilova, “Mythological-epic semantics of Karabakh bayati” by PhD Vusala Nasibova, “Beliefs related to birth in “The Book of Dede Gorgud” by PhD Khalida Shaiggizi (Mammadova), “The genre “bayati” in the folklore of Karabakh as an artistic expression of situational reality” by Matanat Khalilova, “Translation features of fairy tales rich in mythic-realistic characters into Russian” by Naila Mirzayeva, “Reflection of ceremonial folklore in written literature” by Gulsumkhanim Hasilova have been published.

In this issue of the journal the reviews “A valuable contribution to Turkology from Kazakh scientists” and “Fundamental research on Kazakh family-ceremonial folklore” co-authored by Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Seyfeddin Rzasoy and Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Galib Sayilov were also made available to the readers.

It should be noted that the articles in the scientific-literary collection “Studies on oral folk literature of Azerbaijan” are published with the DOI index.