The lecture on the theme “The concept of folklore: characteristics and types” by Professor Afzaleddin Asgar

The lecture on the theme “The concept of folklore: characteristics and types” by Professor Afzaleddin Asgar

05 March 2024, 10:52 / Conferences, assemblies

On the 5th of March head of the Department of Folklore of Turkic Peoples of ANAS Institute of Folklore, doctor of philology, professor Afzaleddin Asgar made a lecture on the theme “The concept of folklore: characteristics and types” to the doctoral and dissertation students of the Institute. The professor talked about the issues of bringing and accepting the term folklore into the scientific world, similar and different characteristics of folklore to written literature and also talked about verbal and non-verbal folklore, version and variant concepts. Folklore variants explain each other in a certain sense, the variantization of folklore is not only due to the number of variants, but the texts also vary depending on the audience. “Oral tradition is a set of behaviors subject to certain laws, a complex system of relations that binds people together” the scientist said. The lecture was received with interest by the audience and led to a wide scientific discussion.