The first and second volumes of the collection “Folklore of the Western Azerbaijan” have been published

The first and second volumes of the collection “Folklore of the Western Azerbaijan” have been published

04 March 2024, 15:33 / Publications

In support of the policy of the President Ilham Aliyev regarding the Western Azerbaijan, ANAS Institute of Folklore conducts regular work in the direction of collecting, publishing and researching the folklore of the Western Azerbaijan. As a result of it, volumes I and II of the collection “Western Azerbaijan Folklore” were published today by the decision of the Scientific Council of the Institute. The project leader of the book is Academician Mukhtar Kazımoğlu-Imanov, the editor is PhD., associate professor Aziz Alakbarli, the authors of the folklore examples in volumes I and II are PhD., associate professor Laman Vagifgızi (Suleymanova) and Mahsati Suleymanova, compilers are Laman Vagifgizi, PhD., associate professor Ilkin Rustamzadeh.

The volumes of the book were compiled on the basis of folklore samples collected from the Western Azerbaijanis living in different regions such as Shaki, Bilasuvar, Salyan, Sabirabad and Barda, as well as in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and Baku.

The book presented by the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, provides rich material for the readers to get more detailed information about the above-mentioned issues of the Western Azerbaijan folklore, as well as the ethnographic life of the region, toponyms in the Western Azerbaijan, generations and tribes, their history, misfortunes suffered during deportation, tragedies committed by Armenians against Azerbaijanis.