Commemorative event entitled “The 20th of January – the page of honor of our heroic history” was held at the Institute of folklore

Commemorative event entitled “The 20th of January – the page of honor of our heroic history” was held at the Institute of folklore

19 January 2024, 12:00 / Conferences, assemblies

On the 19th of January in 2024 the Institute of Folklore of ANAS held a commemorative event “The 20th of January - the page of honor of our heroic history” dedicated to the 34th anniversary of the tragedy of the 20th of January. Opening the event General Director of the Institute, academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov spoke about the important role of the 20th of January events in the historical fate of our people.

First, the memory of the martyrs of the 20th of January was commemorated with a minute of silence. Then the video prepared by the Folklore Studio on the 20th of January tragedy was demonstrated. After the demonstration of the video, which included the tape recordings of the events of that time, the academician added that the events of 20th of January were the movement of the Azerbaijani people to fight against the Soviet empire, regardless of the course of the events.

Professor Afzaladdin Asgarov mentioned that he witnessed that bloody night and that this date is of great importance in the independence of our people. He noted that the events of the 20th January did not break the identity of the Azerbaijani people, but demonstrated to the whole world the invincible unity of our people, their perseverance and the power of patriotism.

Then the reports such as “Ulvi Bunyadzade’s life and activity” by PhD Khayala Agayeva and “Ulvi Bunyadzade who gained eternity with his death” by PhD, associate professor Sevinj Aliyeva were listened at.  

At the end of the speech the senior researcher of the department of Mythology Aydin Mustafayev said that the event of the 20th of January was a vivid example of the liberation struggle of our people, a heroic chronicle of our history. Noting that this event appeared from the events related to Karabakh Aydin Mustafayev mentioned that we were very proud that we had liberated Karabakh and fully restored our territorial integrity.