Əməkdaşımız Özbəkistanda keçirilən konfransda məruzə ilə çıxış edib
Our employee made a report at the conference in Uzbekistan
Chairman of the Women’s Organization of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, PhD in Philology, associate professor Aynur Ibrahimova took part in the conference on “Actual problems of Folklore-studies” at the invitation of Andijan State University named after Zahiraddin Mahammad Babur of the Republic of Uzbekistan under the chairmanship of Professor Salima Mirzoyeva.
Aynur Ibrahimova, who made a report on the topic “New history and actual problems of Azerbaijani folklore-studies”, mentioned the importance of studying the problems of ethnic-national nature in folklore, studying the socio-cultural and socio-spiritual aspects of folk art.
Later, our employee met with the leadership and academic staff of Andijan State University and spoke about the development of scientific and literary relations of two friendly and brotherly peoples, plans for further cooperation of both scientific and educational institutions. She visited the Andijan State Museum of history and culture, the manuscripts fund at the museum and visited the Babur library. It should be noted that the Azerbaijani scientist was awarded a certificate by the rector of Andijan State University, professor Akramjan Yuldashov.
Aynur Ibrahimova also gave master classes to undergraduate and graduate students at the faculty of Folk art at the branch of the State Institute of Culture and Art of Uzbekistan in Fergana region.
During the visit Aynur Ibrahimova met with Gapurov Mirmukhsin, director of the Fergana branch of the Uzbekistan State Institute of Culture and Art, Rashid Turgunbayev, deputy for science and innovations and the board of directors, expressing her satisfaction with the integrated approach applied by the management and spoke about the high training of students.
In the future the agreement provides for cooperation in the exchange of information and publications, the organization of joint scientific research, educational events and staff training.